Sunday, 26 September 2010

Mathematics Tutor in Stevenage

Tuition for all levels including GCSE, A level (Calculus, Algebra, ...)
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  1. The number of all the stars in the local universe (our own universe) is approximately: 1*10^23 . That is: 100000000000000000000000 (23 zeros). Each galaxy has one hundred billion stars and there are one trillion galaxies in the local universe. One of the next steps would be detecting other universes. It is also thought that other universes do not necessarily obey the same laws of physics governing our own universe. For short, I think that it would be nicer to use the phrase: "The local laws of physics" for the laws of physics which govern the local universe. A key point to confirm which I believe would probably place the current String Field Theory in its lighter-pocket, is the theory which unifies all the universes (The Multi-verse) with respect to a set of general laws of physics and would fit in any arbitrary universe including the local universe. If so, then from the local point of view (from the local universe) we observe the general laws of physics from our local perspective which of course, is unable to detect other existing dimensions in the multi-verse and therefore: the local perspective fails to give a full description of the general laws of physics. These laws govern all the universes but the reason that they appear different from a universe to another is that not all universes share the same dimensions. Firstly, there is no guarantee that all other universes are 3-manifolds (excluding the Time dimension); we would likely find 4-manifolds or even higher dimensional manifolds as universes. And secondly, even if another 3-manifold universe is found, it would possibly share only two, one or even no dimensions with the local universe at all. This is only one side of the coin. The other side is a mathematical question about the Time dimension: Is time imaginary or real. In other words, do objects move because time exists in reality? or is it that we imagine time because objects move? This is the missing point in Special Relativity where a 4-manifold had been assumed namely space-time, and the theory worked very well and was even a basis for General Relativity but even in the latter theory, Einstein plays very safely with the Mathematics of the theory and does not clarify whether Time is real or imaginary. The answer to this question is very essential. Why? Because if space-time is a real 4-manifold, then physics and metaphysics will intersect each other (partly at least). How? The metaphysical brain (mind) would have a spacial shape as well as just a theoretical concept. Why? Because if space-time is real and not any other complex form including imaginary dimensions, then very strangely but even Time would be measurable by length unit and be treated as a spacial dimension with causing no harm to the main theory. This will allow us human beings to write down the mathematical equations of love, hate, happiness and so on. So I strongly believe that physics and metaphysics are relative not absolute. And what does this mean? It means that if an object is detected by accessible dimensions, then we can call it: a physical object with respect to the certain universe. If this object cannot be detected via the accessible dimensions, then the object is a metaphysical object with respect to the same universe. So we can never say whether an object is physical or metaphysical. It depends on the universe which an observer is in. The brain ! Have no doubt that it is not a physical object in our universe. No. The brain is not an independent object. It belongs to a higher dimensional object which cannot be fully embedded in our universe. the image of this object in our universe which i call conciousness is the brain. Conciousness has more than the three spacial dimensions plus Time. We define Mind as the undetected part of conciousness. And so to us, mind is a metaphysical object where viewing conciousness from a different universe (perspective) would class the same mind as a physical object.

    Fareed Saiepour.

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